The Road to COP26 Innovation Grant Programme is a partnership between Kathmandu University with Applied Arts Scotland and Edinburgh Napier University’s Creative Informatics. It is supported by the National Innovation Center Nepal. The programme is part of a campaign of activities implemented by the British Council with support from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Nepal.

Our Team

Dishebh Shrestha
Prina Bajracharya
Dr Inges Panneels
Helen Voce
Pratisthit Lal Shrestha
Sujan Chitrakar
Dr Lynne Hocking-Mennie
Kirti Man Shakya

Guest Speakers

Dr Muhabir Pun
Dr Marta Gasparin
Prof Dr Sudarshan Raj Tiwari
Shyam Badan Shrestha
Chini Maya Majhi
Anil Chitrakar

External Evaluators

Dr Jyoti Tandukar
Rosha Chitrakar
Dr Sunil Chitrakar
Shyam Badan Shrestha
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