Uist Wool
Uist Wool is a spinning mill and wool centre on the island of Grimsay in North Uist, part of the Outer Hebrides, an island archipelago off the north west coast of Scotland. Valuing provenance and the principles of people, planet and profit, Uist Wool’s aims emerged from a collective will to find a fresh purpose for local fleece to give crofters a better price for their fleece, the price of which was negligible in the UK market resulting in it being dumped, buried or even burned. A non-profit organisation, Uist Wool invest any profits back into the organisation to pursue their aims to:
- stablish sustainable practices of working with locally sourced fleece to produce yarn for sale and to be created into woven and knitted products by local skilled individuals for sale in their shop.
- and, create a viable enterprise to support and revitalise the island communities and their connection to their cultural heritage of wool-working traditions through creating employment, training and workspaces, now and in the future through intergenerational exchange.
Photography credit (all): Uist Wool